Thursday, February 15, 2018

La Luna de Sangre

After the great Solar Eclipse of 2017, we didn't want to miss another incredible eclipse opportunity:  The 2018 Lunar Eclipse.

Early on January 31, SH and I got up super early to view the transition of a very large, full moon (called a Super Moon because of its current, close proximity to the Earth) starting at 5 a.m. 

The triple event was well worth braving the early, cold morn! It began with the super bright Blue Moon, so called because it was the second full moon in the month of January.

But the transformation from 5 to 6 a.m. during the total lunar eclipse was amazing, and nearly as exciting as the summer solar eclipse. With coffee in hand, we sat on the front lawn, under heavy blankets, and watched as the moon slowly faded away. At the peak of the eclipse, the darkened moon shown a deep rusty red, representing the popular title of Blood Moon. My neighbor got an amazing photo at this point.